I’m sharing my best stock picks so far and comparing their return with that of the S&P 500 to see how each performed.

I’m sharing my best stock picks so far and comparing their return with that of the S&P 500 to see how each performed.
In today’s post, I will explain how to perform queries on an SQL database using Python. Particularly, I will cover how to query a database with SQLAlchemy, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and Pandas. If you want to start with a toy project, I recommend that you first check last week’s post about creating a Flask application with a…
I’m using SQLAlchemy and Flask to add a MySQL database to a Python crypto portfolio tracker web application.
Here is the monthly follow-up to my blog post from a few weeks ago. In that post, I created my own sort of “ETF” with the top 20 cryptocurrencies at the moment. I recommend that you go and check that post first so that you can have the appropriate context for this update. I’m writing…